Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sailmail FAILED

Even us creatures, private and onto ourselves, want to be able to inform our loved ones on shore that we are well. And receive the same news from them. We want to be able to communicate with our job providers. We bought the nessesary equipment at a pretty expensive price, to be able to have Sailmail onboard. Sailmail sevice was affordable, it has stations all over the world which makes contact while sailing possible as advertised on their website. For 10 years this has been working good in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. But after we left Cocos Keeling (September 2015) going west in the Indian Ocean, Sailmail failed.
The Africa server of Sailmail don't work properly. It is sad but true and apparently a common experience by the cruising fleet we spoke to.
If we had known that Sailmail does not cover world wide, would we have bought Sailmail?
Was the response from Sailmail helpful? NO. To date they have not responded to any of our requests for assistance with the problem.
Sailmail ought to refund our investment in order to allow us to find an alternative for communication. And stop lying on their website about services which they don't have.

Eventually we had a reply from Sailmail." there are continuing problems with the internet and the power grid. 
For many years we have been trying to find someone in the Indian Ocean who would like to host another SailMail station. [Many years? During our ten years with Sailmail we never once were notified with such a general request. Yet we did receive their yearly financial and infra structure notices.] If you meet anyone that would be interested and who knows how to work with their local government to get the required licenses, please let us know. [If Sailmail don't go public with the problem how will "anyone that would be interested" know in order to concider?]

And all that does not change our problem of no weather info and no communication - which Sailmail has FAILED to deliver as promised but we have paid for.